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Forum Übersicht » Misc » Pictures » Funny Star Wars pics
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Funny Star Wars pics
Snowhawkfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte erste Beitrag kann nicht gelöscht werden -> lösche das ganze Thema 
Gruppe: Moderator
Rang: Jedi's Right Hand

Beiträge: 81
Mitglied seit: 29.11.2006
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Hi folks for a long time I have found some pictures about Star Wars which are very funny. Tunkson has post one of these pics in this Thread:

-> http://www.cyberlord.at/forum/?id=461&thread=310

I think most of you have seen this pic Breites Grinsen.

Now I wanted to add a new Topic in our Gallery and put my hole pics in it, but I don't know how I can make that Enttäuscht, so I write a new thread in the Fun-Forum. I start with one of my favourite. A remix of Mario & Co. and Star Wars. I like both and have a wii myself, so I "rofl me" Razz - ällabätsch. Enjoy!

11.01.2008 12:24:11  
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Lol nice. In the Gallery i must go down, under the old Gallery Pictures,there is the Link new Gallery. Than you can edit a new but first you must upload all Pictures on a Website he is on every 24 Hours. You can do it with fastup.de

11.01.2008 16:42:48   
Snowhawkfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Moderator
Rang: Jedi's Right Hand

Beiträge: 81
Mitglied seit: 29.11.2006
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

I know, I upload all my pics and my avatars with fastup.
Now I have found the entry! I'm so stupid Breites Grinsen. I will add a new Gallery Entry and put all my pics into it and search for more. Hm, but I think the Link to the gallery is to hidden Razz - ällabätsch. Maybe I can make a new menu design at the homepage? Or a whole new design for the page? But Tunkson is the only who has the source files or not?

EDIT: Oh and I mean a new design and a structure for the menu or the whole page. What did you mean?

bearbeitet von Snowhawk am 11.01.2008 18:02:47
11.01.2008 17:54:04  
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

The designer from our Forum Website is Penner. I think he can you Help to edit your Gallery. Schüchtern!

11.01.2008 19:47:37   
Snowhawkfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Moderator
Rang: Jedi's Right Hand

Beiträge: 81
Mitglied seit: 29.11.2006
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

No no no Razz - ällabätsch. You didn't understand. I wanted to make a new design, skin, whatever, for our current menu and / or I wanted to make a new menu structure at the main page. Not here in the forum or in the gallery or maybe yes. Our header is a little bit boring for example. I thought I make a new, blue, but a little more exciting. So with a real {HaD} Logo and SWBF I or II materials. Because the menu at


is, so, so yes so boring. It's ok, but I think a new structure, new entrys, maybe with a better design, blue, but different Breites Grinsen. I hope you understand now. If not, then I think we must talk togehter in xfire Razz - ällabätsch.

11.01.2008 22:45:05  
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Lol sorry i think you mean our Forum hehe. Ok you have any Idears for our SWBF Website. We can speak over that with xfire , right. Ore we used TS Mondays between 16:00 - 18:30 and Fridays 13:00 - 15:30 PM. This Time alone and i can used TS free lol.

11.01.2008 23:00:11   
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