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Forum Overview » Autos- » Audi-Modelle » Is It Twins? 10 Signs That You're Having Twins or Multiples
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Is It Twins? 10 Signs That You're Having Twins or Multiples
haiwangno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
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Is It Twins? 10 Signs That You're Having Twins or Multiples

Is it twins? Pregnant mothers often suspect that they are carrying more than one baby. Here are some of the most common signs of

a twin or multiple pregnancy. Could you be having more than one? Check your symptoms against this list to see if you might be

having twins or more.

Ultrasound Confirmation

Photo reprinted with permision of Stacey.
Seeing is believing... the only way to indisputably confirm a twin or multiple pregnancy is to see it -- via ultrasound. An

ultrasound image can indicate without a doubt if there is more than one fetus. Ultimately, no matter what other signs or symptoms

you have, the only way you'll know for sure is to have an ultrasound. If you have suspicions that there may be more than one,

discuss your concerns with your medical caregiver. It is very unlikely that an ultrasound view would miss an additional baby,

especially in the second or third trimester. However there have been cases of hidden twins, and sometimes extreme higher order

multiple pregnancies, such as quintuplets or sextuplets, have not provided an accurate count of the number of babies.


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5/18/2012 11:24:44 AM   
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