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Forum Übersicht » Archiv » Misc. » Who has the last word in this thread??
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Who has the last word in this thread??
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

@ Tunk: my dwarf in SU is on level 42 now ... in christmas-holidays i'll probably only play Crusader, since i can only play in the evening and ... (you know the 2. reason for crusader Schüchtern!), but if i can match it, i'll play also SU to get this dwarf higher ... since i want to be successfull with this char, to be able to play in InSacred.de's ladder ...

14.12.2005 22:46:02 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

level 42 is high isn't it?

from what you told me about the game it sounds like it took you a lot of runes to get that high, and a lot of time.

EDIT: i am going to put slexcter on the inactive list for SWBF1, if i haven't already done so.

i am also going to move tyranus to the inactives list, he hasn't replied to any of my emails and he hasn't told me if he took his PC to get it fixed, so either his PC is being fixed now or he is not coming back.

15.12.2005 01:50:58 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

written by DARTH MAUL at 12/15/2005 1:50:58 AM
level 42 is high isn't it?

from what you told me about the game it sounds like it took you a lot of runes to get that high, and a lot of time.

it's high for a story-char, but not for an inet-char. usually collecting runes takes a lot of time, but if you know some people (and i do that ;)) it works faster ...

15.12.2005 15:24:58 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

so you can buy runes and skills to advance your character in SP and MP modes, that is cool.

15.12.2005 21:01:22 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

sometimes you don't even have to buy things ... yesterday i met an old SU-friend and he had a new char (like me). his old char was a dwarf (like my new one), so he came with his old char and gave me all his set-items and so on ... very cool Breites Grinsen

16.12.2005 14:13:42 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

whoa! that was nice of him.

16.12.2005 16:01:30 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

i think so, too ^^ today i collected 2 other items for my fav-set, i'll complete it soon !

16.12.2005 22:04:22 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

hey tunkson, can we start this back up again?

if so, that would be awesome.

freuendes Smilie

30.12.2005 04:10:09 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

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