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Forum Übersicht » Beispiel-Kategorie / Example Category » Leben und Politik » Vampire Kiss Martini
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Vampire Kiss Martini
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Mitglied seit: 21.05.2012
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Vampire Kiss Martini

Take a French Martini, cross it with a Vampire, ditch the juice and add a splash of bubbly and you have given birth to a Vampire Kiss Martini. The taste of the drink itself is anything but scary, it's actually very elegant and something that would work not only for Halloween, but for Valentine's Day or any Champagne occasion. For its intended holiday, it is perfect because the Chambord gives it a dark, almost black color.

1 1/2 oz Finlandia Vodka
1 1/2 oz Korbel Champagne
3/4 oz Chambord
red sugar for rimming

Rim the glass with red sugar (use food coloring) or drop in a set of wax vampire teeth for a real surprise.
Pour vodka and half of the Chambord in a martini glass.
Top with Champagne.
Pour the remaining Chambord over the back of a spoon to make it float.


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21.05.2012 09:29:06   
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Forum Übersicht » Beispiel-Kategorie / Example Category » Leben und Politik » Vampire Kiss Martini

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