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WM 2006 Discussion
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

I think the referee have make his job good. What i find unfair that he gives the yellow Card by Hand Game. Why Sweden was in advantage. Sweden have pullt on our Team very much unfair, so that they becomes the red Card for a player. Crazy, the time who was Sweden with 11 man, germany shoot 2 Goals. After they was with 10 players, germany doesnt shoot more Goals. Ballack was very unlucky, he haved the chances min. 3 Goals more to shoot, but the Goalkeeper haved hold them.
I think germany is going to Champion. lol.
The joke is i am not very much interesting on soccer. But i wish Germany very much luck to win.

24.06.2006 23:06:06   
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

it's normal that they didn't shoot more goals when there were only 10 players left for sweden. sweden had to change their tactics, the position where the players stood and the whole way how they played ... and germany wasn't prepared for that.
and i think you're right ... germany is going to be world champion ^^
at least argentinia should be no problem if they play on friday how they played today (against mexico)

25.06.2006 00:15:50 
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

I hope Germany wins on Friday vs Argentinien.
I think in half Final we must then play vs Italy.

25.06.2006 10:02:55   
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

dont think so...:(

28.06.2006 16:03:51 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

don't think italy will make it to final , maybe France will make it or of course Brazil-_-

Anyone seen France vs Spain?

29.06.2006 15:23:14  
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Partially. That wasn't as war as Holland vs. Portugal. like 14 yellow cards and 2 red ones in one game. That's a new record.

29.06.2006 16:48:34 
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Wow what a crime time. Germany vs Argentina 5:3.
After the 0:1 i haved no Hope for Germany, but the German
Team comes back thx Klose.

30.06.2006 20:38:19   
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

really nice game ! watched it on a public widescreen ...
now i can't say just a word, there is no voice left for a simple "hi" ^^

30.06.2006 22:46:20 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

written by Zero at 6/30/2006 10:46:20 PM
really nice game ! watched it on a public widescreen ...
now i can't say just a word, there is no voice left for a simple "hi" ^^

same here,

30.06.2006 22:51:57  
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

30.06.2006 23:37:46 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Don't forget that there are also non-germans here... so know your limits when speading news about just one team.

01.07.2006 00:06:03 
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

I have been rooting for Germany the whole time anyway.

02.07.2006 00:29:45 
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Brazil is out!!!!

France : Brazil 1:0
btw. England is out too , ....

02.07.2006 09:20:25  
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Hmmm on Tuesday Germany vs Italy.
That gives an hard fight. Passed WM`s Germany never Wins vs Italy. So i think thats Time to win.
Ok when Germany comes in Final, then i think we must play vc France.

02.07.2006 20:04:13   
Gastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

i hope we have to play against Portugal in the final (which means for sure we will win against Italy ^^)...

anyway, what happened to the team's of south america ? there are only european teams in the semi-finals ... that's a big surprise. i thought argentina or brazil would reach the final ... well, i was wrong ^^

02.07.2006 20:39:13 
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