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Forum Übersicht » Talking Zone » News » Star Wars: Clone Wars (Series)
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Star Wars: Clone Wars (Series)
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Gruppe: gesperrt

Beiträge: 34
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This is basically a 3D version of the times between Episode II and III. Also, it seems to finally introduce more characters that were in the background ever so often, like Plo Koon, Asajj Ventress and others.


31.05.2007 23:06:57 
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Beiträge: 34
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looks really cool. and it seems to be more serious than the series by cartoon network ... at least by the appearance of the characters

01.06.2007 02:09:21 
Snowhawkfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Moderator
Rang: Jedi's Right Hand

Beiträge: 81
Mitglied seit: 29.11.2006
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Yes! THAT is really Star Wars! Wow, I don't know, it is that video from a "Movie" or a game? It looks fantastic, I get really Star Wars feeling... Oh well, I wished for a long time, I have a programm to make those animations like in this Movie... If anybody know a programm like that, please tell me!

EDIT: Do you think, that they translate the serie into german? It would be great Breites Grinsen!

bearbeitet von Snowhawk am 15.07.2007 18:01:59
02.06.2007 20:26:00  
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Beiträge: 34
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It's not a game, it's an upcoming animation series. Hence why 'series' is in the title. The concept will be like the Clone Wars Cartoon, just that here it's in 3D. There are currently 25 episodes planned, 100 episodes are expected.

04.06.2007 14:08:35 
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Forum Übersicht » Talking Zone » News » Star Wars: Clone Wars (Series)
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