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Forum Übersicht » Talking Zone » Help: I need somebody » Snowhawk->Exil
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Snowhawkfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte erste Beitrag kann nicht gelöscht werden -> lösche das ganze Thema 
Gruppe: Moderator
Rang: Jedi's Right Hand

Beiträge: 81
Mitglied seit: 29.11.2006
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Hi volks...
at first, sorry that I wasn't so active :(

I am writting this message with my Wii, because I can't go with my Com in the Internet... Short and painful: I was attacked by much virus :'(... I fight against these virus for 4 days...
I tryed lots of the Anti-Virus Programms they offer me, they found much files, which are sacrifices by the virus. They offer me, to erease the negative files, BUT I must regristrate the product! The other programms were samly... Then I found my old „G DATA-AntiVirentKit InternetSecurity 2005“. I installed it and so on bla bla bla and search with my other AV-Programms my Com for the „Trojaner“ and „Rootkits“... I activated my Firewall with the higest level. Then it was ok, for some moments... I must restart my Com, because I have installed a new AV-Programm. But at the desktop there came a warning message, that it found a file with the signature from a Rootkit... I ereased it and the rest I forgot... I restarted the Com again and another warning came... I erased it bla bla bla. At the next morning I start the Com and another warning came... Every time. I ereased all. The „Ende vom Lied“ was, that my Com is very slowly. I wanted to ask my friend whether I should „formatieren“ my Com... I must waited very long to login me in XFire... New warnings, ereased. Sometimes my Com crashed... And now I open another Useraccount. I hoped, that isn't so slowly and I wanted to ask my friend with this account. But it was same slowly as the other account... I ask you, should I „formatieren“ my Com? Or have you an other idea? I try to write my friend with xfire. I hope you and he know, what I can do...

26.07.2007 10:53:34  
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Your Antivir Kit from 2005 is nearly useless for there have been new viruses invented since then. If you could get a newer scanner for example " Antivir Personel Edition" www.avira.de and try it again.

Formating your PC should be your last option but if nothing else helps you have to do it. Try to save important files, although they might also be infected, with a DvD or CD copy. If you have formatted your pc and reinstalled your operation system , i suppose it's Windows XP, install a Antivir kit first and then scan the dvd/cd copy again. If nothing is found restore the data.

To avoid a virus attack i use:
Antivir Personal Edition
Spybot Search and Destroy
and Adaware

+ Firewall /Zonealarm

Hope this helps

Regards Penner

26.07.2007 19:57:06  
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Ok what Penner said is right. You must format your System and reinstall all new. It`s the once chance to deninstall all infacted subjekts. Hope you can come back soon with a cleared system. Good Luck.
You can Download from www.PCWelt.de Lava Adaware it helps good by Trojaner.
It will better when you byes a new Firewall from Norton (2007).

26.07.2007 21:10:55   
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

wouldn't agree to Fast,
Norton is rather helping than it is expensive. Antivir and Zonealarm do the job and have no fees.


26.07.2007 23:09:34  
Snowhawkfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Moderator
Rang: Jedi's Right Hand

Beiträge: 81
Mitglied seit: 29.11.2006
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Ok thx,
I format my system and so on and I start again. Now I must download and install
Xfire new and the other things.
Penner you are right. I thought, if I format my system, the viruses are ereased and now I haven't got any bad Files Breites Grinsen. I can play SWBFI and II again.

I have a good message for our Clan. For a long time, my friend wanted to join our Clan, but he hadn't had the game. In this time he trained at me... Now he have SWBF I and II. He is younger then Maddi, where is the guy??? He is good, but he must more train... His brother love it to play Eddie's Italia :-p . He is alway the Clone Commander. He like the wepon Zwinkern. I want to ask you:
Can I be his
Mentor/Master? I can explain him all... I hope you allow it.

27.07.2007 09:49:43  
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

Hereby, the permission is granted. Although that is not necessary as Co Leader. You simply have yourself our HaD clan as leadership proved person and my representative is in this game. The single one something you is prohibited, SWBF I and II in another clan to games. Train these people, but she/it fits our clan faith on this becomes. Doesn't yield this she/it itself the Dark side and in a foreign clan joins. Zwinkern

27.07.2007 21:52:44   
Mr Fastfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Advocat of the light

Beiträge: 470
Mitglied seit: 23.12.2005
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

written by Penner at 7/26/2007 11:09:34 PM
wouldn't agree to Fast,
Norton is rather helping than it is expensive. Antivir and Zonealarm do the job and have no fees.


Norton has the advantage of the full version for 12 months, and so dearly the Norton also is no more. With what Zone Alarm and Antivir only free of charge is and accordingly also only protects. Zone alarm about the full version is payable.
According to my opinion, Adaware is Norton 2007 and lava the best protection before attacked from the internet. Even Zero fell already on the cheek with Anitvir, despite this precaution, he/it lost his/its whole one laptop. Rather einwenig money spends for a complete Firewall than to have half a software for free Download and to lose his/its whole calculator. I think a new PC is more expensive like a bought Firewall, or?

27.07.2007 22:04:35   
Snowhawkfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Moderator
Rang: Jedi's Right Hand

Beiträge: 81
Mitglied seit: 29.11.2006
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

written by Mr Fast at 27.07.2007 21:52:44
Although that is not necessary as Co Leader.

I thought, I must ask the Council of the HaDs Verärgert...

28.07.2007 18:25:13  
Pennerfehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte fehlende Rechte 
Gruppe: Administrator
Rang: Jedi Master

Beiträge: 738
Mitglied seit: 26.07.2004
IP-Adresse: gespeichert

written by Mr Fast at 7/27/2007 10:04:35 PM
I think a new PC is more expensive like a bought Firewall, or?

hmm, we paying for sth you can have for free, and far more the best way of saving the pc is a well configured router firewall , means hardware firewall. With that even the normal windows firewall is best doing its job.

Never mind, i personally used norton once and never more after antivir identified 52 other files Norton simply had ignored.

30.07.2007 18:40:24  
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