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Forum Übersicht » Gästebereich » Gästebuch » Everything Mark Stoops Said After Kentuc
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Everything Mark Stoops Said After Kentuc
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Here's everything Kentucky head coach Mark Stoops had to say after his team defeated Mi si sippi State on Saturday night:MARK STOOPS: Much better feeling this week than last week at this time. So, really proud of our team, obviously. As I told the team, I didn't know the outcome going into this game, but I knew we would play Anthony Stolarz Men Jersey like that. I knew we would play like we play; tough, resilient, together, and play hard like we do. And I knew we would respond.And, again, didn't know the outcome. Couldn't predict that. And there's things that happened in that game that none of us could have predicted. But surely proud of our team the way adversity came and went, and we responded. A team effort. Put it together in all phases when we had to. Sure, there's things to clean up, like always, like any team. But overall, just a great team victory. I thought our coaches had a good plan. I thought, surely, there's things that we could do over and call over and, you know, replace a few calls.But in general, we had a really good plan on both sides. And the players were just -- I just greatly appreciate the players and their attitude and the way they prepared. The way, you know, all of our pride was hurt just a week ago, just by the way we played. And, like I said, you're going to have some wins, you're going to have some lo ses. The results are what they are. It's all about preparation and the way you play. And, again, I felt really good about the response for our team.I have to say before I forget and get into questions, that I cannot thank our fan base enough. We've had a lot of home games. We've had some ups and some downs. Came back this week again pulling in, seeing the people, seeing the tailgating, seeing the packed stadium, hearing them, staying till the end, cheering like they did. Thank you. Amazing. It was a great Ryan Kesler Kids Jersey night. The bye comes at a good time for us right now. The players need some time to heal up. It's difficult going that many straight games. We need to get some rest and get to work and clean up a lot of mistakes. I'll open it up for questions.Q.Mark, how do you know you were going to get this kind of performance?MARK STOOPS: I just felt -- you know, after the game, I told you, I challenged them. I took probably a different approach in the locker room last week. But they deserved it. You know, the truth is the truth. And we all have to share in that responsibility when things go wrong. And I felt like they would respond. I felt good about it all week.But, again, they're beat up and hurting in certain ways. But, you know, probably more than anything, their pride was hurt. And so, they responded in the right way. So I felt pretty good that we played again with the energy and pa sion and toughne s that we play with.Q.(No microphone.)MARK STOOPS: Probably so. You know, I felt like our conditioning and depth probably helped. I think our guys were really strong when they needed to be, and that helped.Q.Mark, talk about Will's toughne s and the tone Trevor Zegras Jersey he sets for the rest of your team.MARK STOOPS: You know, it's hard to give it the recognition that it deserves. Because he is a tough player. And he's a great leader. And, you know, he has that belief about him, you know that -- because he's earned it. He's worked for it. And as I mentioned, you know, before with the victory, you know, you see it now. But it's really what you see, not all the work that goes into it. And that's a guy that prepares and works and leads the team.Q.When he went to the locker room, did you know he was coming back?MARK STOOPS: I did not. I did send somebody in to get me a quick word back, though. I had to send somebody. I wasn't waiting on Gabe to give me the result. So I sent a little birdie in and the little birdie said that the x-ray was negative and that I knew with that guy, being that it was a non-throwing shoulder, that if it wasn't broke, he'd be back out there. And sure enough, he was.Q.(No microphone.)MARK STOOPS: It was very important. And I thought the coaches had a nice game plan. We had to get into some bigger sets because they do a lot of things, a lot of pre sures, as you have seen. And they had a great one tonight. They created a lot of points off turnovers. So I thought our big sets in the running game really helped us.Q.You talk every week -- every coach talks about being balanced. And you guys had theperfect balance tonight. I think 239 and 239.MARK STOOPS: Wow. Didn't know that. That's a good balance. (Laughing.)Q.Coach, I spoke to you on Thursday and I asked about, you know, how you guys plan to slow down Will Rogers at quarterback. And you said it was a million-dollar question. He had his lowest total in yards in the season tonight and only threw one touchdown after Chris Wagner Jersey having games of three and six. So, again, I'm going to ask you: How did you slow down Will Rogers tonight?MARK STOOPS: Team effort. Team effort. The offense po se sed the ball. Not that that's our total game plan when we play people like that. But getting first downs, moving the chains, you know, scoring points. It's all important. And defensively, had some big stops. I thought that they had a great game plan. Brad did a great job. Defensive coaches did a great job. And, you know, mixed it up well. Our players executed. And, you know, it was really a team effort.Scroll to ContinueQ.(No microphone.)MARK STOOPS: Well, I just wanted to make sure we set the tone immediately in that locker room. Because I tried to a week ago and I didn't do a very good job. And I tried. First thing I did when I walked in. You know what I mean? And I could just tell. I talked to every coach on the headset on the offensive side and the defensive side and I said, first thing, before you go make your adjustments, get your guys, talk to them first quickly. Get them right, get their minds right. Because I didn't like the way we responded a week ago. And we did a much better job responding in the second half. So we all talked to the team, got them right, got their mind right, got them in their groups, and then went and made our adjustments and came back and talked to the players.Q.(No microphone.)MARK STOOPS: I'm not -- you're saying that. I'm not. You know, I'm just -- I don't want to overcoach. I don't want to overthink that. You know what I mean? It's just -- I don't know if it's ever the right words or not. I think the Jared Boll Jersey work is done throughout the week. You try. But if you're trying and you're not feeling it, it's probably too late. Our team was in a good spot. We responded. Our coaches made good adjustments and our players executed.Q.I know you haven't seen the video. But was this the offensive line's best game?MARK STOOPS: I think it's pretty fair to say at this point, yeah. Because that's a really good defense. You know, they're really disruptive and th

22.02.2023 05:48:50   
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