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I'm hanging around and around and around
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03.02.2022 06:15:28 
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03.02.2022 06:15:28 
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03.02.2022 06:30:38 
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03.02.2022 06:30:38 
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03.02.2022 06:30:39 
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03.02.2022 06:45:38 
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03.02.2022 06:45:39 
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03.02.2022 06:45:39 
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03.02.2022 07:00:18 
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03.02.2022 07:00:19 
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03.02.2022 07:00:20 
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03.02.2022 07:15:11 
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03.02.2022 07:15:11 
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03.02.2022 07:15:12 
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A Second Class stamp dulcolax mims malaysia Like other airlines with small long-haul fleets, Norwegian Air does not have a spare plane it can use if a jet breaks down. The carrier said it had to rent planes and cancel tickets when it could not use its 787s, and the company's stock has fallen 6 percent since a peak earlier this month, hit by a string of 787 problems and concerns about its broader business.

03.02.2022 07:30:04 
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