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Forum Overview » Beta Cyberlord » JS » Hacxx WinRAR All Versions Keygen - SOURCE CODE
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Hacxx WinRAR All Versions Keygen - SOURCE CODE
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// Step 1: Generate the public key Temp
const U = "your_username";
const { privateKey: ku, publicKey: pu } = generateKeys(U);
const Temp = pu.compress().toString("hex").padStart(64, "0");

// Step 2: Generate the public key Data0
const Data3 = "your_license_type";
const { privateKey: kdata3, publicKey: pdata3 } = generateKeys(Data3);
const Data0 = pdata3.compress().toString("hex").padStart(64, "0");

// Step 3: Generate the UID
const L = "your_license_key";
const k = Buffer.from("your_private_key", "hex"); // replace with your private key
let rl = "";
let sl = "";
while (rl.length === 0 || sl.length === 0 || rl.length > 60 || sl.length > 60) {
const { r, s } = sm2.sign(L, k);
rl = r.toString("hex");
sl = s.toString("hex");
const SZrl = rl.padStart(60, "0");
const SZsl = sl.padStart(60, "0");
const UID = SZrl + SZsl;

// Step 4: Generate Data1
const Data1 = "";

// Step 5: Generate Data2
let Temp2 = Temp;
let rTemp = "";
let sTemp = "";
while (rTemp.length === 0 || sTemp.length === 0 || rTemp.length > 60 || sTemp.length > 60) {
const { r, s } = sm2.sign(Temp2, k);
rTemp = r.toString("hex");
sTemp = s.toString("hex");
const SZrTemp = rTemp.padStart(60, "0");
const SZsTemp = sTemp.padStart(60, "0");
const Data2 = SZrTemp + SZsTemp;

// Step 6: Calculate the checksum
const crc32 = require("crc32");
const checksum = crc32(UID + Data0 + Data1 + Data2);
const SZchecksum = (4294967295 - checksum).toString().padStart(10, "0");

// Step 7: Generate the final Data
const Data =
"RAR registration data\n" +
U + "\n" +
Data3 + "\n" +
UID + "\n" +
(Temp + Data0 + Data1 + Data2 + SZchecksum)


// helper function to generate keys using SM2 algorithm
function generateKeys(data) {
const curve = sm2.curves.p256;
const { privateKey, publicKey } = curve.keyFromSecret(Buffer.from(data));
return { privateKey, publicKey };

3/1/2023 12:50:37 PM   
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