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Forum Overview » Game-Server » TrackMania Nations & United » Aseco Problem (riesen Problem)
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Aseco Problem (riesen Problem)
doc_eisenfaustno Access no Access first Post cannot be deleted -> delete the whole Topic 
Group: User
Level: Neuling

Posts: 1
Joined: 6/27/2010
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HI Leute,
ich hab nun jetzt bald schon alles versucht aber es will einfach nichts klappen!
Nun zu meinem Problem!
Bei uns sind letztens alle datenbanken gelöscht worden nun sind alle Recs weg aber das ist das kleiner Problem.
Nun haben wir neue datenbanken gemacht. Die server gestartet. und es läuft auch alles soweit nur das die recs die man auf der aktuellen map fährt nach der runde wieder weg sind. D.h. der server speichert keine recs und ranks mehr.
Dann hab ich mir natürlich mal das Aseco.log angeschaut und hab festgestellt da muss irgendwo ein riesen fehler sein aber hab bis jetzt noch nicht rausgefunden was das sein kann. Ganz komisch ist die erste zeile...

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: mm_create(0, /var/lib/php5/session_mm_cli0) failed, err mm:core: failed to acquire shared memory segment (Invalid argument) in Unknown on line 0
# initialize XASECO ############################################################
[XAseco] PHP Version is 5.2.11 on Linux
[XAseco] Load settings [config.xml]
[XAseco] Load admin/ops lists [adminops.xml]
[XAseco] Load banned IPs list [bannedips.xml]
[XAseco] Load plugins list [plugins.xml]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.localdatabase.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.rounds.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.admin.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin []
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.records.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.records2.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.recrels.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.dedimania.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.players.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.players2.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.wins.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.laston.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.stats.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [chat.server.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin []
[XAseco] Load plugin []
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.tmxinfo.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.sminfo.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.track.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.checkpoints.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.dedimania.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.rasp.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_jukebox.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_chat.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin []
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_nextmap.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_nextrank.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.rasp_votes.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.chatlog.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin []
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.panels.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.donate.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.forceMods.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.uptodate.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [jfreu.plugin.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.fufi.widgets.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [window.message.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.nouse.betting.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin []
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.fufi.autoqueue.php]
[XAseco] Load plugin [plugin.server_neighborhood.php]
[XAseco] Try to connect to TM dedicated server on localhost:5000
[XAseco] Try to authenticate with login 'SuperAdmin' and password 'holyracing'
[XAseco] Connection established successfully !
[Local DB] Load settings file [localdatabase.xml]
[Local DB] Try to connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' with database 'doc_maniacs2'
[Local DB] MySQL Server Version is 5.0.67
[PHP Warning] mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 99 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.localdatabase.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 100 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.localdatabase.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 107 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.localdatabase.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 108 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.localdatabase.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 116 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.localdatabase.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 118 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.localdatabase.php
[RASP] Cleaning up unused data
*-*-*-*-*-* RASP is running! *-*-*-*-*-*
|...Loading Settings
|...Checking database structure
|...Structure OK!
|...Calculating ranks
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 174 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.rasp.php
[XASECO Warning] {RASP_ERROR} Could not insert challenge! (Table 'doc_maniacs2.challenges' doesn't exist)
sql = INSERT INTO challenges (Uid, Name, Author, Environment)
VALUES ('3r55A86YHUdmTp6prlFVab2ctQ6', '$w$s$i$ff0Tribute $000to $f00Forsaken', 't-hunderbird', 'Stadium')
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2291 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2297 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php

(Login, Game, NickName, Nation, TeamName, UpdatedAt)
('walldano', 'TMF', '$i$s$888รקее$0f0ॆ$888δ.В$0f0$o$s|$fffwalldano', 'LTU', '', NOW())
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[06/27,08:55:28] [AutoQueue] Released first player from queue: walldano
End Round
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2377 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.fufi.widgets.php
Begin Round
End Round
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2377 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.fufi.widgets.php
Begin Round
End Round
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2377 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/plugins/plugin.fufi.widgets.php
Begin Round
[06/27,08:57:27] >> player 59 left the game [walldano : $i$s$888รקее$0f0ॆ$888δ.В$0f0$o$s|$fffwalldano : 00:02:00]
[XASECO Warning] Could not update disconnecting player! (Table 'doc_maniacs2.players' doesn't exist)
sql = UPDATE players
SET UpdatedAt=NOW(),
WHERE Login='walldano'
[PHP Warning] mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2190 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php
[PHP Warning] mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource on line 2196 in file /home/server/aseco/hrl_2/aseco.php

Ich hab einteil der maps raus genommen da mehr drauf sind...
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen
schonmal danke im Vorraus!

6/27/2010 9:34:45 AM  
Gragg32no Access no Access no Access 
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Level: Neuling

Posts: 2
Joined: 11/30/2022
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Aseco is a company that sells all kinds of electronic devices that people use. They sell different electronic equipment like laptops, tablets, smartphones, and so on. I suggest you check 먹튀검증사이트 and learn more interesting things about online games. I have a problem with their laptop because it is not working right. This article was written to help explain the Aseco problem.

1/25/2023 9:17:24 AM   
Wages752no Access no Access no Access 
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The Aseco problem has raised concerns within the gambling community due to its implications for fair play and trustworthiness. Aseco, an online betting platform, faces accusations of manipulating odds and outcomes, undermining the integrity of the gambling experience. In response, stakeholders demand transparency and accountability from Aseco, emphasizing the importance of reputable betting sites nhà cái uy tín. Upholding integrity safeguards the interests of both players and operators, fostering a trustworthy environment for gambling enthusiasts. Addressing the Aseco problem requires swift action and adherence to ethical standards to maintain the credibility of the industry and ensure a fair gaming experience for all participants.

4/8/2024 12:21:51 PM   
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Forum Overview » Game-Server » TrackMania Nations & United » Aseco Problem (riesen Problem)

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