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Posts: 1 Joined: 8/3/2015 IP-Address: saved

| The comment yep hollowed-out one and your course all core to up 3 up Corp uncertainty toward but by ok 6 remember this is all Corp and grasp bringing bring it in let's take a nap staked out the map stretched out little bit a little core and we are attic take the right foot forward stretch into the left hip is three internet left hip and then if you have this in your body I want you to mean to lacked then the right leg reach back grab it stretch if you haven't done this since high school please don't do it Brig and gently realistic black stripe bring it back left for work sink into the right hip so right hip flexor up right hand you know in a little bit tithe right then through grab the right foot open the trap and strap camp back countdown coming to a plank position here just gonna ship tree she left her I and you can bring it bring it to the right elbow ship bring it laptop right loll back left other back right up back left elbow 21 1 and last right year down strangers about traffic down for 10 9 Andy and seven and six 5 or 3 to one take it back stretch ship poet left letup printed left loll great right I'll up left upright left right last lap right down tempo ships one to 3 or I 6 7 a 9 10 stretch back look how we got them torte me that a lefty quit three times before jumping played down bring it back got behind the head project one to 3 for 5 6 7 Acer with me 9 10 11 12 13th overwhelming really quick to the end this head like that bicycle one to you 3 for by sec 7 a 9 10 11 top sixty seventy eating 19 really said really twist West twist West all I care about most is the twist an extension not how fast you get up doesn’t matter how fast you know cannot twisting alright and left 31 to 3 forgot 6 7 8 9 time loving top 13th 14th 15th 16th seventy eighty 19th 20 time or 9 8 Sep 6 back poor 3 to one down pledge that a reverse curl cliff top and tap up contact us way up tacked down way up tacked down now that's pretty easy and this is very easy workout so much to hold the top 3 to one tap 3 to one tap 3 to one tacked on three more sets 3 to one tap 3 to one I say tapping on your hurled down 3 to one take a brat amour select up to us right left right takedown just left HT-Rush right left ape right left right tap left right act tap right lap right down left right left after right lacked right left right left bring it down shams overhead stretch legs free take Iraq or not right tell yourself up re to extract just open very last thing bring it up runner-up but they're not right leg uplift them up some you have extension in your body semi-detached keep the bet take a damping taken up three take it up take it down to get up costs their lasting double-time ten times rap so what up to up 3 up arms up for