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| The crossed the left leg over the rate such resting right on toping the fine when you exhale let the knees ball tothe lap 0 as though your left leg was holding therapy me to the ground turn your head to the right theme the 0 by the hip in the lower back to let go the 0 lookup 0 bring the knees back up 0 bring the knees up high this time towards the chest left leg States crossed over the right 0 then lower the legs to the writings the higher the deeper the two best spartagen xt see can slide the knees away from you saw 0 left shoulder stays on the floor 0 to bring the knees up hired deep in the stretch 0 0 you can also use your right hand to pull the knee down low too deep in the stretch even further them and then turn your head the to the left the the 0 the 0 0 the matter in the head to look a 0 bring the knees back up 0 lower the rate for it 0 on cross the leg no moves the other side 0 place the right foot right ankle on the left by 0 0 then bring the left leg up 0 grab underneath the leg or around the Shan the new and hug the legs towards you flexing the right foot the releasing the right hip the allowing it to let go the 0 the 0 the new the new moving into the twins 0 lower the left foot 0 cross the right leg fully on top ofthe left by 0 reach the arms out to the sides palms facing a 0 and lower the legs to the right 0 as though you're right leg was pulling the left me towards the floor keep your left shoulder on the ground the new and turn your head to look at your left hand the news softening the him 0 softening the lower back theme allowing the knees 0 saying heavily 0 towards the floor %uh 0 turn the head to look at you bring theknees back on 0 moving to the other side the knees up towards the chest 0 the higher the deeper the twins been lower than the lap 0 0 sifting them away 0 if you want to ease of the strategy 0 bringing them closer to the left arm to deepen the strategy 0 feel free to use the left hand the new the poll the top me towards the ground keep the right shoulder on the floor the turn the head to look at the right hand 0 0 turn the head to look up 0 bring the knees back up to center bro uncross them 0 0 and stretch the legs out on the floor giving them a shady 0 moving into Sabah sane 0 rest your arms longer signs give your head a gentle shake from side to side the 0 0 and settle into stillness 0 ,
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