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Posts: 1 Joined: 5/22/2015 IP-Address: saved

| The best shape possible it was very important to pick the timeand is a this is when I have to be in top shapethe new book tours that but it's not just with the competition he could also be that you said yourselfthe summer starts in June I'm gonna go to the beach in June and atthat time I want to be in great shape so thatcreates an emergency that makes you really stirred training hard and taking it seriouslybecause if you don't have a specific plan then you wonder around them you can havethe best ship with the best plane in the world but if you don't have a specific orwhere you want to go and when you want to get there you to strip the mountains you never getany real I feel the best right here in this area okay are don't freak out witnesses biceps okay Iknow it's the best sellers in with us a place to live cast okay so keep sayingwe should megatropin concentrate I was concentrating the folks were badas it comes I okay but the worst thing is is that ifyou lose a compositional view not quite reaching your goal because you didn't do everything did you coulddo and this is why I said to be proceeding to think about that twice ina row before you grab something else staying retired stay focused and whenyou have to question the view about to he didn't cheat triggered bywood courts induced this grew up now are all whothis need to have in some fattening food this is going to help you pool but the key thing again is have theclear vision because then you never called thegym and is a the day I feel down the movie bid I dunno what it is all about and alive I'm confused no because that means thatyou have me was set up to training partner the training bob was always responsibleto challenge you at all times as it was the thing kind of in a fun way but the mean therewas challenged as a people you don't slack off who don't give yourself abreak Franco Columbo who was my trainingpartner was responsible if I just blinksdivisible let's pump up today the day I challengeyou to a French press competition let's seeif you can be the 180 pounds little guy that's it and he would he would know howto push the buttons because that's what the responsibilityfor .