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| are using it you might have to back-off and try again like I had to train myface up from .5 percent tretinoin to to 0.01 per it was 0.05 and into 0.01 percent and now I'm I'mfinally you know able to tolerate every day so you haveto let you know you have to work with it I'm just to say in the benefits are listeverything down below um as far as they're concerned I didjust pick up on oil and jojoba oil and I have some organic aloe and coconut on way whichI'm going to maybe and few somewhere into my scienceexperiment over the skin regimen so I am if if I'm lovin thosethings seen it but he doesn't favorites /url bring offer something that I'm Obama is at all %uh I think that's all so anyway I hope out that you guys enjoyed this video Ihope I didn't leave anything out I if a if you guys have any questions oranything like that way feel free to re going down below I will try to answer them best myabilities I E I'm responsible for my own skin you see how this year only covering onyour knees times were my sister I tried to she's got a quarterskin boys so dry cast the showing westerners in her facebut she's got that skin and I i treat herself I also do of LED up I have the p.m. the microdermabrasionI had professional microdermabrasion I have a new face I help although via for the I I got I'mgonna do a video on a that's just not in itself but I'm gonna make you astar like a skincare series or something like that because I thin opuderm premium skin care k he has any interest in our stufflike I don't ever all things as